When thinking about data analysis, the first thought that pops
in my mind is definitely not “play time”. However, after reading, The Power of Questions, and relating the
text to my Action Research, I quickly realized that data analysis is a fun process.
As a matter of fact, it is a time to become creative.
Two methods of data analysis that stuck out the most to me were
coding and peer work. In order to code my data I will be reading though my
journal entries, students’ daily worksheets and students’ math journals. Then,
I will highlight information that is repetitive or that comes across as important. This
process will be conducted several times before I conclude what common themes
I’m noticing in relation to my AR subquestions. Peer work, or member checking,
will involve the same process as coding, but a friend or colleague will be
analyzing the information. This process allows for reassurance that my method
of coding is sound and if the same themes are decided upon.
One adjustment that I plan on making when analyzing my data is the
amount of time I’m currently spending analyzing. Originally, I planned on
reviewing all of my data at once near the end to come up with common themes. Now, I will be conducting biweekly analysis. This will provide me the opportunity to notice themes
earlier and make appropriate adjustments within the classroom.
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